SEíS has been developed by the research group ARC Enginyeria i Architecture La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull , Barcelona, coordinator of the RÉPENER research project:

Dr. Leandro Madrazo, Project coordinator

Álvaro Sicilia, Ontology engineering

Dr. Gerardo Wadel, Energy efficiency

Marco Massetti, Energy efficiency, Energy models

Gonçal Costa, Ontology engineering

Fàtima Galan, Ontology engineering, Data mining

Manuela Ianni, Energy performance-based design

Félix Iglesias, Energy analysis

Marta Salgado, Interface programming

A team of the Faculty of Business and Computer Science, Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Germany has collaborated in the research:

Dr. German Nemirovski, Ontology engineering, Data mining

Thomas Kohler, Data mining

Markus Geisler, Data mining

If you would like to have more information about SEíS, please contact us or visit the RÉPENER project website